You do all the online training you find and none of them gives you results, does it? Do you know why?
Because these workouts were not designed for YOU.
My job is much more than providing training on an online platform, it is about proper planning that prioritizes your individuality!
The lack of adequate planning to your reality makes you sin by the excess and not to measure in a coherent way the amount of stimuli and rest that the musculature needs to evolve in a satisfactory way!
You end up knowing numerous variations of stimuli and training methods that will be more appropriate for your purpose.
I, according to your reality and moment, plan your routine via app, in the most productive way possible. I choose the type of stimulus, the method and quantify it according to your needs, your desires and your level of training.
The work is in partnership, I plan and you do it! All this in the palm of your hand - via the app, there is no way to go wrong!